Traveling can put a major ripple in your healthy groove. It can be a struggle to maintain healthy habits while you are traveling. However, it can be even harder to transition back to them when you return home. If you find yourself at a loss for how to continue healthy eating and exercise while traveling, you can find many ideas below to help you through times of travel.
- Locate the closest supermarket
- Plan out your meals and between-meal snacks
- Pack a lunch box or cooler with nutritious snacks such as fruit, veggies, peanut butter, hummus, cheese sticks, and low-sodium deli meat (Tip: Prep snacks ahead of time. For example, pull grapes off the vine for making kabobs you can eat one-handed.)
- Look for more nutritious foods at gas stations such as yogurt, unsalted nuts, fresh fruit, trail mix, energy bars, low-sodium soup cups, 100% fruit or vegetable juice, and low-fat milk.
- Choose healthier options if you stop for fast-food. Order a small size instead of the large, choose grilled instead of fried, pick a salad or fruit instead of fries, and order water or unsweetened tea instead of soda.
- Investigate airport restaurant menus ahead of time to find out whether they have suitable, nutritious offerings. In many airports, you may be able to find a grilled chicken sandwich, lean meat or bean burritos, smoothies made with low-fat dairy, fruit, green salads with low-fat toppings, or veggie and lean meat entrées at Chinese restaurants.
- Do your best to keep portion sizes in check and remember that half your plate should consist of fruits and veggies at each meal.
- Purchase groceries and/or cook meals
- Order smaller portions if possible, or share a meal when at restaurants
- Drink water instead of soda
- Choose grilled, baked or broiled foods instead of fried